

    • 姓名:章宝
    • 职务:副院长
    • 职称:教授
    • 所属系:食品科学与工程系
    • 邮箱:[email protected]
    • 办公地点:
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  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项



章宝,教授、博士生导师,色播 副院长,入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才。担任中国粮油学会青年工作委员会委员,中国食品科学技术学会全谷物食品分会理事,中国粮油学会食品分会理事,安做省三区科技人才,安徽省农产品加工产业技术体系试验站站长,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。《Journal of Future Food》《食品工业科技》《粮油科技(英文)》青年编委。

主要从事淀粉结构与功能、食品胶体功能化与活性因子输送、工业化菜肴开发的基础研究和应用工作。主持国家重点研发计划(课题、子课题)、国家自然基金、安徽省重大专项、安徽省重点研发等20余项。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryFood HydrocolloidsFood Chemistry等本领域主流期开上发表高水平论文70余篇(ESI高被引论文12篇,ESI热点论文5篇,JAFC封面论文1篇),发表文章被Google Scholar他引2600余次,单篇引用最高186次,H指数36。第1发明人获授权发明专利25件,其中国际(美国)发明专利2件,第1完成人获中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖。






1. Zhang, B., Liu, W.-J., He, T.-S., Xu, B.-C., & Xie, Q.-T. * (2023). Insight into interfacial adsorption behavior of high-density lipoprotein hydrolysates regulated by carboxymethyl dextrin and in vitro digestibility of curcumin loaded high internal phase emulsions. Food Chemistry, 400, 134006.

2. Li, X.-L., Liu, W.-J., Xu, B.-C., Zhang, B. *, Wang, W., & Su, D.-L. * (2023). OSA-linear dextrin enhances the compactness of pea protein isolate nanoparticles: Increase of high internal phase emulsions stability. Food Chemistry, 404, 134590.

3. Chen, P. #, Xie, Q.-T. #, Wang, R.-M., Wang, S.-Y., Cheng, J.-s., & Zhang, B. * (2022). Effects of pullulanase enzymatic hydrolysis on the textural of acorn vermicelli and its influencing mechanism on the quality. Food Research International, 156, 111294.

4. Chen, P. #, Yang, B.-Q. #, Wang, R.-M., Xu, B.-C., & Zhang, B. * (2022). Regulate the interfacial characteristic of emulsions by casein/butyrylated dextrin nanoparticles and chitosan based on ultrasound-assisted homogenization: Fabrication and characterization. Food Hydrocolloids, 133, 107983.

5. Li, X.-L. #, Meng, R. #, Xu, B.-C., Zhang, B. *, Cui, B., & Wu, Z.-Z. * (2022). Function emulsion gels prepared with carrageenan and zein/carboxymethyl dextrin stabilized emulsion as a new fat replacer in sausages. Food Chemistry, 389, 133005.

6. Wang, R.-M., Chen, P., He, T.-S., Zhang, B. *, & Bai, B. * (2022). The influence mechanism of brown rice starch structure on its functionality and digestibility under the combination of germination and zinc fortification. Food Research International, 161, 111825.

7. Zhang, B. *, Wang, R.-M., Chen, P., He, T.-S., & Bai, B*. (2022). Study on zinc accumulation, bioavailability, physicochemical and structural characteristics of brown rice combined with germination and zinc fortification. Food Research International, 158, 111450.

8. Li Xiao-Long, Liu Wen-Jie, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Simple method for fabrication of high internal phase emulsions solely using novel pea protein isolate nanoparticles: Stability of ionic strength and temperature [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 370, 130899.

9. Liu Wen-Jie, Li Xiao-Long, Li Shu-Gang, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Emulsifying and emulsion stabilizing properties of hydrolysates of high-density lipoprotein from egg yolk [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 369, 130891.

10. Li Xiao-Long#, Xie Qiu-Tao#, Liu Wen-Jie, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Self-Assembled Pea Protein Isolate Nanoparticles with Various Sizes: Explore the Formation Mechanism [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(34), 9905-9914.

11. Pan Yi, Li Xiao-Min, Meng Ran, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Investigation of the Formation Mechanism and Curcumin Bioaccessibility of Emulsion Gels Based on Sugar Beet Pectin and Laccase Catalysis [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(8), 2557-2563.

12. Liu Wen-Jie, Li Xiao-Long, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Self-Assembled Micellar Nanoparticles by Enzymatic Hydrolysis of High-Density Lipoprotein for the Formation and Stability of High Internal Phase Emulsions [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(37), 11015-11025.

13. Li Xiao-Min, Meng Ran, Xu Bao-Cai & Zhang Bao*. Investigation of the fabrication, characterization, protective effect and digestive mechanism of a novel Pickering emulsion gels [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 117, 106708.

14. Meng Ran, Wu Zhengzong, Xie Qiu-Tao, Cheng Jie-Shun & Zhang Bao*. Preparation and characterization of zein/carboxymethyl dextrin nanoparticles to encapsulate curcumin: Physicochemical stability, antioxidant activity and controlled release properties [J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 340, 127893.

15. Pan Yi, Li Xiao-Min, Meng Ran & Zhang Bao*. Stability and bioaccessibility of curcumin emulsions stabilized by casein hydrolysates after maleic anhydride acylation and pullulan glycation. Journal of Dairy Science, 2021, 104(8), 8425-8438.

16. Zhang Bao, Meng Ran, Li Xiao-Long, Liu Wen-Jie, Cheng Jie-Shun & Wang Wu*. Preparation of Pickering emulsion gels based on κ-carrageenan and covalent crosslinking with EDC: Gelation mechanism and bioaccessibility of curcumin [J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 357, 129726.

17. Pan Yi, Li Xiao-Min, Meng Ran, Zhang Bao*. Exploration of the Stabilization Mechanism and Curcumin Bioaccessibility of Emulsions Stabilized by Whey Protein Hydrolysates after Succinylation and Glycation in Different Orders [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(2), 623-632.

18. Pan Y, Wu Z, Xie Q-T, Li X-M, Meng R, Zhang B*, Jin Z-Y. Insight into the stabilization mechanism of emulsions stabilized by Maillard conjugates: Protein hydrolysates-dextrin with different degree of polymerization [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 99, 105347.

19. Meng Ran, Wu Zhengzong, Xie Qiu-Tao, Zhang Bao*, Li Xiao-Long, Liu Wen-Jie, Tao Han, Li Pei-Jun*. Zein/carboxymethyl dextrin nanoparticles stabilized pickering emulsions as delivery vehicles: Effect of interfacial composition on lipid oxidation and in vitro digestion. [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 108, 106020.

20. Li Xiao-Min #, Li Xuehong #, Wu Zhengzong, Wang Ying, Cheng Jie-Shun, Wang Ting, Zhang Bao*. Chitosan hydrochloride/carboxymethyl starch complex nanogels stabilized Pickering emulsions for oral delivery of ß-carotene: Protection Effect and in Vitro Digestion Study [J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 315, 126288.

21. Li Xiao-Min, Xie Qiu-Tao, Zhu Jie, Pan Yi, Meng Ran, Zhang Bao*, Chen Han-Qing, Jin Zheng-Yu. Chitosan hydrochloride/carboxymethyl starch complex nanogels as novel Pickering stabilizers: Physical stability and rheological properties [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 93, 215-225.

22. Pan Yi, Xie Qiu-Tao, Zhu Jie, Li Xiao-Min, Meng Ran, Zhang Bao *, Chen Han-Qing, Jin Zheng-Yu. Study on the fabrication and in vitro digestion behavior of curcumin-loaded emulsions stabilized by succinylated whey protein hydrolysates [J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 287: 76-84.

23. Li Xiao-Min #, Zhu Jie #, Pan Yi, Meng Ran, Zhang Bao*, Chen Han-Qing. Fabrication and characterization of Pickering emulsions stabilized by octenyl succinic anhydride -modified gliadin nanoparticle [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 90: 19-27.

24. Ma Y-S#, Pan Y#, Xie Q-T, Li X-M, Zhang B*, Chen H-Q. Evaluation studies on effects of pectin with different concentrations on the pasting, rheological and digestibility properties of corn starch [J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 274: 319-323.

25. Pan Y, Wu Z, Zhang B*, Li X-M, Meng R, Chen H-Q*, Jin Z-Y. Preparation and characterization of emulsion stabilized by octenyl succinic anhydride-modified dextrin for improving storage stability and curcumin encapsulation [J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 294: 326-332.

26. Li X-M, Wu Z-Z, Zhang B*, Pan Y, Meng R, Chen H-Q *. Fabrication of chitosan hydrochloride and carboxymethyl starch complex nanogels as potential delivery vehicles for curcumin. Food Chemistry, 2019, 293: 197-203.

27. Zhang B, Bai B, Pan Y, Li X-M, Cheng J-S, Chen H-Q *. Effects of pectin with different molecular weight on gelatinization behavior, textural properties, retrogradation and in vitro digestibility of corn starch [J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 264: 58-63.

28. Lv Q-Q#, Li G-Y#, Xie Q-T, Zhang B*, Li X-M, Pan Y, Chen H-Q *. Evaluation studies on the combined effect of hydrothermal treatment and octenyl succinylation on the physic-chemical, structural and digestibility characteristics of sweet potato starch [J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 256: 413-418.

29. Zhang B, Tao H, Niu X, Li S, Chen H-Q *. Lysozyme distribution, structural identification, and in vitro release of starch-based microgel-lysozyme complexes [J]. Food Chemistry, 2017, 227: 137-141.

30. Zhang B, Pan Y, Chen H, Liu T, Tao H, Tian Y*. Stabilization of starch-based microgel-lysozyme complexes using a layer-by-layer assembly technique [J]. Food Chemistry, 2017, 214: 213-217.

31. Zhang B, Long J, Xie Q, Tian Y*, Xu X, Jin Z. Rheological characterization of pH-responsive carboxymethyl starch/β-cyclodextrin microgels [J]. Starch-Stärke, 2016, 68: 29-36.

32. Zhang B, Wei B, Hu X, Jin Z*, Xu X, Tian Y*. Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl starch microgel with different crosslinking densities [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 124(25): 245-253.

33. Zhang B, Sun B, Li X, Yu Y, Tian Y*, Xu X, Jin Z*. Synthesis of pH- and ionic strength-responsive microgels and their interactions with lysozyme [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 79: 392-397.

34. Zhang B, Wu C, Li H, Hu X, Jin Z*, Tian Y*, Xu X. Long-term annealing of C-type kudzu starch: Effect on crystalline type and other physicochemical properties [J]. Starch-Stärke, 2015, 67: 577-584.

35. 章宝,单杨*,李高阳. 响应面优化花生分离蛋白提取工艺的研究 [J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (11): 270-274.0.

36. 章宝,单杨*,李高阳. 柑橘籽油研究进展 [J]. 中国油脂, 2011, (09): 17-21.



1. Zhang Bao, Xu Baocai, Li Xiaomin, Li Peijun, Pan Yi, Meng Ran, Li Xiaolong, Liu Wenjie. Dual-Function Starch-Based Composite Nano Particle As Well As Preparation Method And Application Thereof, 美国专利号:US 11203647B2, 授权日:2021.12.21.

2. 章宝,孟然,潘怡,李小敏,刘文杰,李小龙. CMC/FA-壳聚糖盐酸盐复合纳米颗粒、其制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201910831768.6,授权日:2021.9.30.

3. 章宝,潘怡,孟然,李小敏,刘文杰,李小龙. 果胶-大豆分离蛋白-咖啡酸三元复合物、其制法及应用,专利号:ZL 201910831762.9,授权日:2021.9.24.

4. 章宝,潘怡,李小敏,孟然,李小龙,刘文杰. 酪蛋白-果胶-原儿茶酸三元复合物、其制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201910831771.8,授权日:2021.9.24.

5. 章宝,李小敏,陈寒青,潘怡,孟然. 一种羧甲基淀粉/壳聚糖盐酸盐纳米凝胶的制备及其在制备稳定的皮克林乳液中的应用,专利号:ZL 201910046715.3,授权日:2021.9.24.

6. 章宝,徐宝才,李小敏,潘怡,孟然,李小龙,李沛军. 一种双功能型淀粉基复合纳米颗粒及其制备方法与应用,专利号:ZL 201911020326.X,授权日:2021.9.14.

7. 章宝,潘怡,陈寒青,李小敏. 酰化改性酪蛋白多肽、纳米乳液、其制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201810296442.3,授权日:2021.8.24.

8. 章宝,李小敏,潘怡,孟然,李小龙,刘文杰. LM/TA-壳聚糖盐酸盐复合纳米颗粒、其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 201910831778.X,授权日:2020.11.3.

9. 章宝,潘怡,陈寒青,李小敏. 淀粉基糊精改性酪蛋白多肽共轭物、其制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201810286656.2,授权日:2020.9.4

10. 章宝,李小敏,陈寒青,潘怡. 羧甲基糊精/壳聚糖复合纳米凝胶及其制备方法与应用,专利号:ZL 201810245672.7,授权日:2020.7.28.

11. 田耀旗、章宝、陈海龙、金征宇、孙冰华、龙杰、李晓晓、徐学明. 一种淀粉基微凝胶的制备方法,专利号: ZL 201510439202.0. 授权日:2017.09.26

12. Jin Zhengyu, Tian Yaoqi, Zhang Bao, Tao Han, Wei Benxi, Hu Xiuting, Wu Chunsen, Xu Xueming, Yang Na. Triple-Responsive Starch-Based Microgel and Preparation Method Thereof, Patent No.: US 9956536B2. 授权日:2018.5.1



1. 中国商业联合会“全国商业科技进步一等奖”(1/72021

2. 国际期刊Gels》、《Foods》客座编辑

3. 中文核心期刊《食品与生物技术学报》青年编委;

4. 合肥工业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师(2021);

5. 指导学生获得安徽省大学生食品创新大赛二等奖2次(2016、2021);

6. 指导学生获第八届安徽省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛创意组银奖;

7. 安徽省“三区”科技人才;

8. 安徽省农产品加工产业技术体系试验站站长;

9. 入选2021年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单

10. 合肥工业大学“斛兵学者

11. 中组部国家青年拔尖人才。



1. 2017级李小敏同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

2. 2017级李小敏同学被评为“安徽省优秀毕业生”;

3. 2017级李小敏同学获合肥工业大学研究生学术交流年会优秀成果奖;

4. 2018级潘怡同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

5. 2018级潘怡同学被评为“安徽省优秀毕业生”;

6. 2018级潘怡同学获合肥工业大学研究生学术交流年会优秀成果奖;

7. 2018级孟然同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

8. 2018级孟然同学被评为“合肥工业大学优秀毕业生”;

9. 2019级李小龙同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

10. 2019级刘文杰同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

11. 2020级王如梦同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

12. 2020级陈品同学荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金。

职务: 副院长 职称: 教授
所属系: 食品科学与工程系 邮箱: [email protected]
办公地点: 学术成果
研究领域 科研项目

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