

    • 姓名:刘凤茹
    • 职务:
    • 职称:副教授、硕导
    • 所属系:食品科学系
    • 邮箱:[email protected]
    • 办公地点:
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项


2007年9月-2014年6月 江南大学 硕士、博士


2017年12月-至今 合肥工业大学色播 副教授

2014年12月---2017年11月合肥工业大学色播 讲师

职务: 职称: 副教授、硕导
所属系: 食品科学系 邮箱: [email protected]
办公地点: 学术成果 <br>代表性论文<br>
<br>1.Yueqin Li, Li Xie, Xintong Jiang, Gaoyang Cai, Guobin Zhu, Zhi Zheng, Fengru Liu*(通讯作者). Effect of anthocyanins on mechanical and physicochemical properties of wheat dough. Journal of Cereal Science, 2023, 110:103652.<br>
<br>2.Guobin Zhu, Yueqin Li, Li Xie, Huizi Sun, Zhi Zheng, Fengru Liu*(通讯作者). Effects of enzymatic cross-linking combined with ultrasound on the oil adsorption capacity of chickpea protein. Food Chemistry, 2022, 383:132641.<br>
<br>3.Ziqiao Liu , Zhi Zheng , Guobin Zhu , Shuizhong Luo , Danfeng Zhang , Fengru Liu*(通讯作者), Yizhong Shen *. Modification of the structural and functional properties of wheat gluten protein using a planetary ball mill. Food Chemistry, 2021,363 :130251.<br>
<br>4.Fengru Liu, Yiyin Zhang, Qiuyang Yu, Yizhong Shen, Zhi Zheng, Jieshun Cheng, Wencheng Zhang, Yingwang Ye. Exploration of the binding bet ween ellagic acid, a potentially risky food additive, and bovine serum albumin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019, 134: 110867.<br>
<br>5.Fengru Liu, Yiyin Zhang, Qiuyang Yu, Yizhong Shen, Zhi Zheng, Jieshun Cheng, Wencheng Zhang, Yingwang Ye. Exploration of the binding between ellagic acid, a potentially risky food additive, and bovine serum albumin , Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019, 134: 0-110867<br>
<br>6.Bingzhi Wang, Fengru Liu, Shuizhong Luo, Peijun Li, Dongdong Mu, Yanyan Zhao, Xiyang Zhong, Shaotong Jiang, Zhi Zheng. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the properties of heat-induced wheat gluten gels. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2019, 12(2): 220-227.<br>
<br>7.Feng-Ru Liu, Si-Min Wang, Bao-Chen He, Su-Yue Sun and Chun-Xian Wang, Behavior and characteristics of calcium-induced aggregation of wheat germ proteins, Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2018, 16(1): 9-20.<br>
<br>8.Fengru Liu, Zhengxing Chen, Juanjuan Shao, Chunxian Wang, Chen Zhan, Effect of fermentation on the peptide content, phenolics and antioxidantactivity of defatted wheat germ, Food Bioscience, 2017, 20: 141-148.<br>
<br>9. Li Wang, Xinxia Zhang, Fengru Liu, Yuanyuan Ding, Ren Wang, Xiaohu Luo, Yanan Li, Zhengxing Chen. Study of the functional properties and anti-oxidant activity of pea protein irradiated by electron beam. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2017, 41: 124-129.<br>
<br>10.Tao Wang, Fengru Liu, Ren Wang, Li Wang, Hao Zhang and Zhengxing Chen. Solubilization by freeze-milling of water-insoluble subunits in rice proteins. Food & Function, 2015, 6, 423-430.<br>
<br>11.Fengru Liu, Li Wang, Ren Wang, Zhengxing Chen. Calcium-Induced Disaggregation of Wheat Germ Globulin under Acid and Heat Conditions. Food Research International. 2014, 62: 27-34.<br>
<br>12.Zhongwei Chen, Fengru Liu, Li Wang, Yongfu Li, Ren Wang, Zhengxing Chen. Tribocharging properties of wheat bran fragments in air-solids pipe flow. Food Research International. 2014, 62: 262-271.<br>
<br>13.Feng-Ru Liu, Li Wang, Ren Wang, and Zheng-Xing Chen. Calcium-Binding Capacity of Wheat Germ Protein Hydrolysate and Characterization of Peptide–Calcium Complex. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61 (31): 7537–7544.<br>
<br>14.Fengru Liu, Zhengxing Chen, Li Wang, Ren Wang. Effects of protein solubilisation and precipitation pH values on the functional properties of defatted wheat germ protein isolates. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2013, 48 (7): 1490–1497.<br>
<br>5.一种脱脂小麦胚芽蛋白的提取方法,发明专利,专利授权号:ZL 201210165588.7<br>
一种脂肪酸淀粉酯制备方法与应用,发明专利,专利授权号:ZL 200810242673.2<br>
研究领域 <br>1.粮油食品精深加工及增值转化
科研项目 <br>1.学术新人提升计划B项目:面筋蛋白与花色苷复合微结构增筋共色机制研究,项目号JZ2021HGTB0115,2021-2023,主持。
荣誉奖项 <br>1.面粉加工副产品小麦胚芽精深加工关键技术与产业化示范,河北省科学技术进步奖三等奖,2016,证书号:2015JB3075-2

上一条:刘志华 下一条:马意龙


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版权所有:色播-色播网站 地址:安徽省合肥市经济技术开发区大学城翡翠路420号


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