主要从事脑功能损伤与修复机制等相关的教学科研工作。近年来,以第一或通讯作者在Advanced Science、Archives of toxicology等知名期刊上发表高水平学术论文;研究成果被国际知名学者和领域综述文献多次正面引用评述,同时研究成果受到科技日报、中国科学报、科学网、新华网等媒体专题报道。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(两项)、青年基金,安徽省自然科学基金面上项目等多项纵向项目。目前实验室已经成功搭建基于神经网络算法评估小鼠行为特征的算法模型,在体自由运动小鼠电生理采集及分析平台,光/化学控神经环路平台等,旨在逐步从多学科交叉角度系统揭示风险物暴露致大脑功能紊乱的生理机制以及潜在的功能小分子的修复机制。
2009年01月---2011年12月 香港中文大学 医色播
2005年09月---2008年06月 中国科技大学 生命科学色播
2000年09月---2004年06月 中南民族大学 生命科学色播
2022年12月---至今 合肥工业大学色播
2012年07月---2014年12月 合肥工业大学色播
2012年01月---2012年06月 香港中文大学 医色播
Research Associate
1. Wentai Zhang; Linke Zhang; Weifeng Liang; Huan Wang; Fan Hu*; Neurodevelopment effects of early life bisphenol-A exposure on visual memory: Insights into recovery dynamics, Toxicology, 2024, 502: 153718. (IF= 4.571, 二区)
2. Fan Hu*, Weifeng Liang, et al., Hyperactivity of basolateral amygdala mediates behavioral deficits in mice following exposure to bisphenol A and its analogue alternative. Chemosphere. 2022. 287, 132044. (IF= 8.943, 一区, top)
3. Fan Hu*, Guangwei Xu, Linke Zhang, Huan Wang, Jiachen Liu, Zhi Chen, Yifeng Zhou. Chronic bisphenol A exposure triggers visual perception dysfunction through impoverished neuronal coding ability in the primary visual cortex. Archives of toxicology. 2022 Feb;96(2):625-637. (IF= 6.168, 一区, top)
4. Fan Hu*, Linke Zhang, Tingting Li, Huan Wang, Weifeng Liang and Yifeng Zhou*. Bisphenol-A Exposure during Gestation and Lactation Causes Visual Perception Deficits in Rat Pups Following a Decrease in Interleukin 1b Expression in the Primary Visual Cortex. Neuroscience. 2020. 434, 148-160. (IF=3.708)
5. Fan Hu*, Jiachen Liu, Guangwei Xu, Huan Wang, Jiawei Shen, Yifeng Zhou* Bisphenol A exposure inhibits contrast sensitivity in cats involving increased response noise and inhibitory synaptic transmission. Brain Research Bulletin. 2020. 157. 1-9. (IF= 3.715)
6. Guangwei Xu1, Fan Hu1*,Xuan Wang, Bing Zhang, Yifeng Zhou* Bisphenol A remodels visual response properties: decreased orientation selectivity and information fidelity. Archives of toxicology. 2018.01.21, 92(1), 455-468. (IF= 6.168, 一区, top,co-first author and corresponding author)
7. Zhi Chen, Tingting Li, Linke Zhang, Huan Wang, Fan Hu* Bisphenol A exposure remodels cognition of male rats attributable to excitatory alterations in the hippocampus and visual cortex Toxicology. 2018. 410:132-141 (IF= 4.571, 二区)
8. Fan Hu*, Zhi Chen, Huarui Gong, Yan Jin, Tingting Li & Ming Wang* Bisphenol A Impairs Synaptic Plasticity by both Pre- and Post-synaptic Mechanisms. Advanced Science. 2017-4-10, DOI: 10.1002/advs.201600493 (IF= 17.521, 一区, top)
9. Fan Hu1*, et al. The activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc/Arg3.1) Involved in Developmental Lead Exposure Induced Dendrite and Spine Impairment in Rats. Synapse. 2016. 70:87–97
10. Mengmeng Ge1,Fan Hu1, et al. Role of Wnt/b-catenin signaling in the protective effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on leadinduced impairments of spine formation in the hippocampus of rats. RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 31622 (IF=3.361, co-first author)
11. Fan Hu, et al. Developmental lead exposure alters synaptogenesis through inhibiting canonical Wnt pathway in vivo and in vitro. Plos one. 2014.06. 9(7), e101894
12. Fan Hu, Chi Man Koon, Judy Yuet Wa Chan, Kit Man Lau, W.Y. Kwan, Kwok Pui Fung*. Involvements of calcium channel and potassium channel in Danshen and Gegen decoction induced vasodilation in porcine coronary LAD artery. Phytomedicine. 2012; 19(12):1051-8.(IF= 6.656 , 一区,top)
13. Fan Hu, Judy YW Chan, Chi-Man Koon and Kwok-Pui Fung*. Angiogenic effects of Danshen and Gegen decoction In vivo and In vitro. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2013; 41(4): 1–14 (IF=6.005, 二区)
14. Fan Hu, Chi-Man Koon, Judy YW Chan, Kit-Man Lau and Kwok-Pui Fung*. Cardiac protection of the Danshen and gegen formula decoction in hypoxia/ischemia and reperfusion induced injury. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012; 12(1): 249. (IF=4.782, 二区)