1.Li-Hua Pan, Jian Wang, Xing-Qian Ye, Xue-Qiang Zha, Jian-Ping Luo. Enzyme-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Dendrobium chrysotoxum and its functional properties and immunomodulatory activity. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2015, 60: 1149–1154
2.Li-Hua Pan, Xiu-Fang Li, Mei-Na Wang, Xue-Qiang Zha, Xue-Fei Yang, Zhong-Jian Liu, Yi-Bo Luo, Jian-Ping Luo. Comparison of hypoglycemic and antioxidative effects of polysaccharides from four different Dendrobium species. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2014, 64: 420– 427
3.Li-Hua Pan, Bao-Jun Feng, Jun-Hui Wang, Xue-Qiang Zha, Jian-Ping Luo. Structural characterization and anti-glycation activity in vitro of a water-soluble polysaccharide from Dendrobium huoshanense. Journal of Food Biochemistry,2013, 37: 313-321
4.Li-Hua Pan, Jun Lu, Jian-Ping Luo, Xue-Qiang Zha, Jun-Hui Wang. Preventive effect of a galactoglucomannan (GGM) from Dendrobium huoshanense on selenium-induced liver injury and fibrosis in rats. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 2012,64: 899-904
5.Li-Hua Pan, Shui-Zhong Luo, Fei Liu, Xue-qiang Zha,Jian-Ping Luo. Effects of oat β-glucan on characteristics of Chinese steamed bread flour and Chinese steamed bread. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2018, 16(1): 97-104
6.Li-Hua Pan, Shui-Zhong Luo, Fei Liu, Jian-Ping Luo. Comparison of rheological properties of dough and antistaling characteristics of Chinese Steamed Bread containing b-glucan from yeast or oat. Cereal chemistry,2018, 95:149-157
7.潘利华,徐婷婷,罗水忠,贺元康,罗建平. 适量燕麦 β-葡聚糖改善面团流变学特性. 农业工程学报,2015,31(18):304-310.
8.Li-Hua Pana#, Fei Liua#, Shui-Zhong Luoa,b*, Jian-ping Luoa,b. Pomegranate juice powder as sugar replacer enhanced quality and function of set yogurts: structure, rheological property, antioxidant activity and in vitro bioaccessibility. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019, 115, 108479
9.Li-Hua Pan, Xiao-ling Wu, Shui-Zhong Luo, Hong-Ying He, and Jian-Ping Luo. Effects of tea polyphenol ester with different fatty acid chain length on camellia oil-based oleogels preparation and its effects on cookies properties. Journal of Food Science, 2020, 85(8): 2461-2469
10.Li-Hua Pan, Cui-Ling Wu, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Jian-Ping Luo, Zhi Zheng, Shao-Tong Jiang, Yan-Yan Zhao, Xi-Yang Zhong. Preparation and characteristics of sucrose-resistant emulsions and their application in soft candies with low sugar and high lutein contents and strong antioxidant activity. Food Hydrocolloids 129 (2022) 107619 //doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.107619
11.Li-Hua Pan, Lu-Ping Chen, Cui-Ling Wu, Jian-Fei Wang, Shui-Zhong Luo, Jian-Ping Luo, Zhi Zheng. Microencapsulation of blueberry anthocyanins by spray drying with soy protein isolates/high methyl pectin combination: Physicochemical properties, release behavior in vitro and storage stability. Food Chemistry 395 (2022) 133626.
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4.利用超声波和复合酶协同提取紫薯色素的方法. 专利授权号: 2009 1 0116561.7)
5.一种灵芝酸和灵芝多糖的双水相体系提取方法. 专利授权号: 2010 1 0246731.6.
6.一种石榴取籽方法.专利授权号: 201710256290.X
7.一种即食金针菇的加工方法. 专利授权号: 2015 1 0774646.X.
8.一种利用石榴制作的酸榴汁饮料、酸榴糕及加工方法. 专利授权号:ZL201811106957.9
1.《微生物学》,化学工业出版社 副主编
2.《微生物学实验技术》,合肥工业大学出版社 编委
3.《现代食品分离技术》,科学出版社 编委