

    • 姓名:李述刚
    • 职务:
    • 职称:教授、博导
    • 所属系:食品科学与工程系
    • 邮箱:[email protected]
    • 办公地点:
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项

李述刚,博士,合肥工业大学色播 教授,博士生导师。



国家基金项目网评和省级科技项目评审专家,《Journal of Future Foods》编委,《Food Science of Animal Products》编委,《食品科学》杂志青年编委,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food Hydrocolloid和《食品科学》等多个权威期刊杂志审稿人。先后获省市级科技进步奖励7项,获得省级中青年创新领军人才、省青年科技奖等称号;主编及参编出版教材10部,发表SCI和EI等高水平科研论文100余篇,授权技术专利40余件。

职务: 职称: 教授、博导
所属系: 食品科学与工程系 邮箱: [email protected]
办公地点: 学术成果 <br>一、期刊论文<br>

<br>1.Wang Xuyue, Xiang Xiaole, Wei Shuaishuai, Li Shugang*. Multi-omics revealed the formation mechanism of flavor in salted egg yolk induced by the stages of lipid oxidation during salting. Food Chemistry, 2023, 398: 133794.<br>
<br>2.Wu Peng, Hui Ouyang, Feiran Xu, Qi Zhou, Xiongwei Yu, Long Jin, Li Shugang*. Exploring the effects of heat processing methods on the characteristic volatile flavour of walnut kernels based on multi-sensory analysis. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2023, 58(2):543-556.<br>

<br>3.Wang Jinqiu, Liu Xin, Li Shugang#, Ye Hongliang, Luo Wei, Huang Qun, Geng Fang*. Ovomucin may be the key protein involved in the early formation of eggwhite thermal gel. Food Chemistry, 2022, 366: 130596.<br>

<br>4.Li Shugang, Zhang Shan, Liu Ying, Fu Xing, Xiang Xiaole, Gao Sihai*. Effects of ultrasound-assisted glycosylation on the interface and foaming characteristics of ovotransferrin. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, 84: 105958.<br>

<br>5.Lei Yuqing, Ouyang Hui, Peng Wu, Yu Xiongwei, Jin Long, Li Shugang*. Effect of NaCl on the Rheological, Structural, and Gelling Properties of Walnut Protein Isolate-κ-Carrageenan Composite Gels. Gels, 2022; 8(5):259. <br>

<br>6.Xin Liu, Lulu Ma, Mengzhen Zhong, Shuaishuai Wei, Ying Liu, Shijian Dong, Li Shugang*. Formation mechanism of high-viscosity gelatinous egg white among “Fenghuang Egg”: Phenomenon, structure, and substance composition. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 217: 803-813. <br>

<br>7.Wang, Shuya, Zhou, Bin, Yang, Xinquan., Niu, Liqiong. and Li, Shugang Li Shugang*. Tannic acid enhanced the emulsion stability, rheology and interface characteristics of Clanis Bilineata Tingtauica Mell protein stabilised oil-in-water emulsion. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022, 57: 5228-5238.<br>

<br>8.Shuaishuai Wei, Ying Gao, Lulu Ma, Zhan Wang, Xin Liu, Ying Liu, Mengzhen Zhong, Shijian Dong, Shugang Li*. Preparation of an LZ-OEO Compound Antibacterial Gel and the Effect of Microwave Treatment on Its Structure and Stability. Gels, 2022, 8, 838.<br>

<br>9.Li Shugang, Wang Kangping, Huang Qun*, Geng Fang*. Microwave pretreatment enhanced the properties of ovalbumin-inulin-oil emulsion gels and improved the storage stability of pomegranate seed oil. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 113: 106548.<br>

<br>10.Lei yuqing, Gao sihai, Xiaog xiaole, Li xiuting, Yu xiangdong, Li Shugang*. Physicochemical, structural and adhesion properties of walnut protein isolate-xanthan gum composite adhesives using walnut protein modified by ethanol. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 192: 644-653.<br>

<br>11.Huang Yu, Xiang Xiaole, Luo Xiaoying, Li Xiuting*, Yu Xiongwei, Li Shugang*. Study on the emulsification and oxidative stability of ovalbumin-pectin-pumpkin seed oil emulsions using ovalbumin solution prepared by ultrasound. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 78: 105717.<br>

<br>12.Wang shuya, Zhou bin, Shen yingbin, Wang yulin, Peng yao, Niu liqiong, Yang xinquan, Li Shugang*. Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on the emulsification properties of Clanis Bilineata Tingtauica Mell protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 80, 105823.<br>

<br>13.Wang Xuyue, Huang Yu, Zhou Bin, Xu Weijian, Xiang Xiaole*, Huang Qun*, Li Shugang*. Improvement of quality and flavor of salted egg yolks by ultrasonic assisted cooking. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 75: 105579.<br>

<br>14.Liu Xin, Wang Jinqiu, Liu Lili*, Cheng· Lei*, Huang Qun, Wu Di, Peng Lianxin, Shi Xiaodong, Li Shugang*, Geng Fang*. Quantitative N-glycoproteomic analyses provide insights into the effects of thermal processes on egg white functional properties. Food Chemistry, 2021, 342: 128252.<br>

<br>15.Li Shugang, Li zhihao, Li xiuting, Wang ping, Yu xiongwei, Fu qinli, Gao sihai. Effect of AAPH oxidation on digestion characteristics of seed watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var) kernels protein isolates. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2020, 9(4), 402-410.<br>

<br>16.Huang Xiang, Luo Xin, Liu Lan, Dong Kai, Yang Ran, Lin Chao, Song Hongbo, Li Shugang*, Huang Qun*. Formation mechanism of egg white protein/κ-Carrageenan composite film and its application to oil packaging. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 105: 105780.<br>


<br>1. 食品分析. 马良,李诚,李巨秀主编,李述刚等副主编. 普通高等教育“十四五”精品课程建设教,2021, ISBN: 9787565525766,中国农业大学出版社,<br>

<br>2. 美食鉴赏与食品创新设计.邱宁主编,李述刚; 王清; 胡婉峰等副主编.2021,ISBN: 9787518427833,中国轻工业出版社。<br>

<br>3. 畜产食品加工学.李洪军, 张兰威,马美湖,李述刚等编著.2021.06,ISBN: 9787565523977,中国农业大学出版社。<br>

<br>4. 食品加工与贮藏原理.胡卓炎,梁建芬, 李述刚等编著.2020.07, ISBN: 9787565523670,中国农业大学出版社。<br>

<br>5. 食品蛋白质科学与技术.李述刚,邱宁,耿放主编.2019.07,ISBN:9787030616661,科学出版社。 <br>



<br>2.李述刚; 高英; 黄群; 耿放; 一种易开口型休闲西瓜籽的制备方法, 中国, ZL202010960808.X.<br>

<br>3.李述刚; 黄群; 高英; 刘颖; 徐玮键, 一种酶解和螯合联合转化提取肽螯合钙的制备方法, 中国, ZL202110260596.9.<br>

<br>4.李述刚;王炜清;王康平;耿放;黄群; 一种具有双壳结构的卵白蛋白乳液的制备方法.中国, ZL201810963185.4.<br>

<br>5.李述刚;王康平;王炜清;耿放;黄群.以卵白蛋白-菊粉为壁材的微胶囊的制备方法.中国, ZL201810718163.1.<br>

<br>6.李述刚;李志豪;庄虎;韩玲钰;褚上;李玮;孟诗敏;电解水提取杏仁蛋白的方法.中国, ZL 201710640568.3.<br>

研究领域 <br>1、健康食品与配料创新



科研项目 <br>1. 国家重点研发计划, 蛋清特征蛋白梯次分离与高效纯化关键技术及高端配料创制(2022YFD2101001),2022/11- 2027/10,课题负责人,在研。

<br>2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于卵粘蛋白“骨架效应”的蛋清热凝胶机理研究(32172226),2022/01-2025/12,主持,在研。

<br>3. 国家农业部公益性(农业)行业专项,园艺作物产品加工副产物综合利用(201503142-8),2015/01-2020/12,课题主持。

<br>4. 国家重点研发计划,方便营养型蛋制品绿色加工关键技术研究及开发(2018YFD0400302),2018/05-2021/06,子课题负责人。

<br>5. 国家自然科学基金,新疆核桃贮藏过程中脂质氧化对其挥发性风味影响的分子机制研究(31760477),2018/04-2021/12,合作方主持。

<br>6. 校企合作重大项目,荣达功能性禽蛋制品品质提升与产品开发关键技术(W2020JSKF0489),2021/09-2025/09,主持,在研。

<br>7. 校企合作重大项目,基于健康导向的鹌鹑蛋加工关键技术开发与产业化(W2022JSKF0564),2022/07-2027/06,主持,在研。

<br>8. 校企合作重大项目,籽类坚果休闲食品标准化生产关键技术攻关与产业化(W2021JSKF0356),2021/05-2022/05,主持。

<br>9. 校企合作重大项目,旭东坚果休闲食品新产品开发(W2020JSKF0457),2021/09-2022/03,主持。

<br>10. 校企合作重大项目,核桃贮藏保鲜关键技术开发(W2021JSKF1023),2021/12-2023/06,主持,在研 。
荣誉奖项 <br>1. 2022, 中国畜产品加工研究会科技进步一等奖(第1),中国畜产品加工研究会

<br>2. 2021,湖北省科学技术进步二等奖(第3),湖北省科技厅

<br>3. 2015,第五届兵团青年科技奖,兵团青年科技奖(第1) ,新疆生产建设兵团

<br>4. 2014,兵团科技进步奖,红枣干制工艺优化与示范,三等奖(第1)新疆生产建设兵团

上一条:李沛军 下一条:李兴江


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