, 本科
2005年09月-2010年06月,中国科学技术大学,国家同步辐射实验室, 博士
1.国家重点研发计划,黄淮特色酱卤鸡肉制品质量安全保障技术的全链条综合示范,2019年12月- 2022年12月,4705万元;
2.国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,液相界面拉曼分析,2020年01月- 2022年12月,150万元;
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,高分辨长程NSET纳米尺测量活细胞表面核酸适体靶点的研究,2023年01月- 2026年12月,64.8万元;
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,液态SERS定量分析器原位检测分子光控配位反应的研究,2019年01月- 2022年12月,79.2万元;
5.国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,受控蒸发自组装三维高密度SERS热点超结构的原位SAXS研究,2017年01月- 2019年12月,67.2万元。
1.Zhongxiang Ding#; Chao Wang#; Baomei Zhou; Mengke Su; Shixuan Yang; Yuzhu Li; Cheng Qu; Honglin Liu*. Antifreezing hydroxyl monolayer of small molecules on a nanogold surface. Nano Letters 2022, 22, 5307.
2.Shanshan Du#; Mengke Su*; Chao Wang; Zhongxiang Ding; Yifan Jiang; Honglin Liu*. Pinpointing alkane chain length, saturation, and double bond regio- and stereo- isomers by liquid interfacial pl
3.Yifan Jiang#; Shanshan Du#; Min Xu; Ting Yu; Baomei Zhou; Fanfan Yu; Hao Jiang; Lina Yang; Mengke Su*; Honglin Liu*. Tracking structural changes of protein residues by two-dimensional correlation surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 2022, 382, 132237.
4.Yifan Jiang#; Mengke Su#; Ting Yu; Shanshan Du; Lingling Liao; Hongyan Wang; Yiping Wu; Honglin Liu*. Quantitative determination of peroxide value of edible oil by algorithm-assisted liquid interfacial surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 2021, 344, 128709.
5.Mengke Su#; Chao Wang#; Tengfei Wang; Yifan Jiang; Yue Xu; Honglin Liu*. Breaking the affinity limit with dual-phase-accessible hotspot for ultrahigh Raman scattering of nonadsorptive molecules. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 6941.
6.Xiaoqiu Wu#; Honglin Liu#; Dongmei Han#; Bo Peng; Hui Zhang; Lin Zhang; Jianglin Li; Jing Liu; Cheng Cui; Senbiao Fang; Min Li; Mao Ye*; Weihong Tan*. Elucidation and structural modeling of CD71 as a molecular target for cell-specific aptamer binding. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 10760.
7.Shanshan Du; Mengke Su; Yifan Jiang; Fanfan Yu; Yue Xu; Xuefen Lou; Ting Yu; Honglin Liu*. Direct discrimination of edible oil type, oxidation, and adulteration by liquid interfacial surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Sensors 2019, 4, 1798.
8.Mengke Su#; Xiaoyun Li#; Shibin Zhang; Fanfan Yu; Li Tian; Yifan Jiang; Honglin Liu*. Self-healing plasmonic metal liquid as a quantitative surface-enhanced Raman scattering analyzer in two-liquid-phase systems. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91, 2288.
9.Li Tian#; Mengke Su#; Fanfan Yu; Yue Xu; Xiaoyun Li; Lei Li; Honglin Liu*; Weihong Tan*. Liquid-state quantitative SERS analyzer on self-ordered metal liquid-like plasmonic arrays. Nature Communications 2018, 9, 3642.
10.Lina Yang#; Huili Wang#; Danyang Li; Lei Li; Xuefen Lou; Honglin Liu*. Self-nucleation and self-assembly of highly fluorescent Au5 nanoclusters for bioimaging. Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30, 5507.
1.刘洪林; 丁中祥; 周宝梅; 苏梦可. 含小分子单层的纳米粒子抗冻剂及其制备方法. 2022-8-26, 中国发明专利, ZL202110522197.5.
2.刘洪林; 苏梦可; 蒋伊帆; 于烦烦. 一种食用油中多环芳烃的检测方法. 2021-9-3, 中国发明专利, ZL201910157093.1.
3.刘洪林; 苏梦可; 田丽; 于烦烦. 一种用于表面增强拉曼光谱的毛细管微液滴金属球检测方法. 2020-9-18, 中国发明专利, ZL201711425106.6.
4.刘洪林; 韩珍珍; 杨良保; 刘锦淮. 一种尿样中毒品的SERS检测方法. 2018-1-26. 中国发明专利, ZL201510029653.7.
5.刘洪林;林东岳;杨良保;叶英杰;陈晋;董荣录;刘锦淮. 一种基于表面增强共振拉曼光谱的TNT检测方法. 2015-1-7, 中国发明专利,ZL201310032967.3.
6.刘洪林; 丁中祥; 苏梦可; 杨士萱. 一种聚多巴胺涂层包覆的微纳米粒子抗冻剂及其制备方法. 2021-11-17, 中国发明专利, CN202111363172.1.
7.刘洪林; 江倩; 苏梦可; 蒋伊帆; 祝玉鑫; 郭金虎; 程帅. 一种食用油中多环芳烃的直接快速检测方法. 2020-7-8, 中国发明专利, CN202010651958.2.
8.刘洪林; 蒋伊帆; 苏梦可; 俞婷. 一种香豆素类抗凝血鼠药的拉曼快速检测方法. 2020-4-15, 中国发明专利, CN202010296465.1.
9.刘洪林;苏梦可;蒋伊帆;徐敏. 一种快速高通量液态界面增强拉曼光谱检测方法. 2020-4-15, 中国发明专利, CN202010297274.7.
10.刘洪林; 于烦烦; 苏梦可; 田丽. 一种用于表面增强拉曼光谱的液液界面检测方法, 2017-12-25, 中国发明专利, CN201711439375.8.