

    • 姓名:甘昌胜
    • 职务:
    • 职称:副研究员、硕导
    • 所属系:药物科学与工程系
    • 邮箱:[email protected]
    • 办公地点:食品大楼708室
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项


1988年9月-1992年6月 江南大学,化学与化学工程系,精细化工专业

2000年9月---2006年6月: 中国科学技术大学,化学与材料科学色播 ,化学系,有机化学专业,博士


1992年7月-2000年8月 安徽省轻化硅酸盐工业公司,工程师

2006年7月---至今: 合肥工业大学,色播 ,药物科学与工程系,副研究员

职务: 职称: 副研究员、硕导
所属系: 药物科学与工程系 邮箱: [email protected]
办公地点: 食品大楼708室 学术成果 <br>代表性论文<br>
<br>1. Tiantian Xu, Jingwen Zhang, Risheng Jin, Rong Cheng, Xiaonan Wang, Chuanxun Yuan, Changsheng Gan*. Physicochemical properties, antioxidant activities and in vitro sustained release behavior of co-encapsulated liposomes as vehicle for vitamin E and β-carotene. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102, 5759-5767<br>
<br>2. Changsheng Gan*, Rong Cheng, Kunliang Cai, Xiaonan Wang, Chenkun Xie, Tiantian Xu, Chuanxun Yuan, Interaction of calf thymus DNA and glucose-based gemini cationic surfactants with different spacer length: A spectroscopy and DLS study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 267, 120606<br>
<br>3. Rong Cheng, Tiantian Xu, Chao Wang, Changsheng Gan*, The stabilization and antioxidant performances of coenzyme Q10-loaded niosomes coated by PEG and chitosan, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 325(1), 115194.<br>
<br>4. Kunliang Cai, Rong Cheng, Chao Wang, Yi Xia, Tiantian Xu, Changsheng Gan*, Interactions with ctDNA of novel sugar-based gemini cationic surfactants, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 156, 805-811.<br>
<br>5. Changsheng Gan*, Kunliang Cai, Xilin Qu, Hong Li, Lianggang Wei, Rong Cheng, Glucose-based novel gemini surfactants: Surface activities, aggregation properties and a preliminary study as nanocarrier for resveratrol, Journal of Molecular Liquids 2019, 283, 781-787.<br>
<br>6. Changsheng Gan*, Hong Li, Kunliang Cai. Novel Sugar-Based Gemini Surfactants and Their Surface Properties, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2018, 21, 859-866.<br>
<br>7. Changsheng Gan*, Jingyi Hu, Dou-Dou Nan, Shanshan Wang, Hong Li. Synthesis and biological evaluation of curcumin analogs as β-amyloid imaging agents, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 9(14), 1587-1596.<br>
<br>8. Changsheng Gan*, Zhenzhen Zhao, Dou-Dou Nan, Binbin Yin, Jingyi Hu. Homoisoflavonoids as potential imaging agents for β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 76, 125-131<br>
<br>9. Changsheng Gan*, Lin Zhou, Zhenzhen Zhao, Haoshu Wang. Benzothiazole Schiff-bases as potential imaging agentsfor β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2013, 22(9), 4069-4074<br>
<br>10. Changsheng Gan*, Haoshu Wang, Zhenzhen Zhao, Binbin Yin. Sugar-Based Ester Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and Their Surfactant Properties, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2014, 17, 465-470<br>
<br>11. Dou-Dou Nan, Chang-Sheng Gan, Chen-Wei Wang, Jin-Ping Qiao, Xin-Meng Wang, Jiang-Ning Zhou*. 6-Methoxy-indanone derivatives as potential probes for β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 124, 117-128<br>

<br>1.一种以茚酮和吩噻嗪为骨架结构的杂二联体类化合物及用途,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0416785.7<br>
<br>2.一种呫吨酮类衍生物及其用途,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0434209.5<br>
<br>3.一种苯并噻唑类衍生物及其用途,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0434465.4<br>
<br>4.一种葡萄糖酯基季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂及其合成方法,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0261510.5<br>
<br>5.一种葡萄糖基双子阳离子表面活性剂及其合成方法,专利号:ZL 201710010183.9<br>
<br>6.葡萄糖基双子非离子表面活性剂及其合成方法,专利号:ZL 201710932528.6<br>
<br>7.一种葡萄糖基双子非离子表面活性剂、两性表面活性剂及其合成方法,专利号:ZL 201710936090.9<br>
<br>9.以哌啶酮为核心的具有双查尔酮骨架结构的姜黄素类似物及其衍生物以及应用,专利号:ZL 201711021369.0
研究领域 <br>1、纳米载药
科研项目 <br>1. 靶向淀粉样蛋白的阿尔茨海默病分子探针研究,主持
<br>2. 用于阿尔茨海默病诊断的磁共振显像分子探针,主持
<br>3. 葡萄糖基环保表面活性剂系列产品的研究开发,主持
<br>4. 天然植物艾草活性成分提取分离工艺研究,主持
<br>5. 抗真菌药物艾氟康唑的合成工艺及工业化研究,主持
<br>6. 化妆品中天然活性成分的研究及产业化,主持
荣誉奖项 <br>1.安徽省科学技术奖三等奖,2011年

上一条:方群玲 下一条:龚德雁


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